Digital business
Succeed in your digital communication
Cloud gaming
From designing to creating a UX
A good UX allows users to find the right information easily and quickly without having to scroll through many unnecessary pages. To get a good UX, use a tool like wiztivi.com to design a simple and clutter-free interface.
Digital, an opportunity for your business

The creativity engine in video games

Infinite interaction in a virtual universe

Augmented reality
Combine the real and the virtual.

Simulation games
Learn to pilot a plane, tractor, train…

Artificial intelligence
Reproduce reasoning, creativity and planning.
Gaming essentials
Design of game devices and experiences
The concept of gamification, serious game design and serious gaming aims to assert the utilitarian objectives of game instrumentalisation and possible techniques. To provide players with a memorable gaming experience, designers offer a beautiful adventure infused with a compelling story and great music. If you love must-have games, you can access top titles through cloud gaming. This technology is revolutionising video games, find out more on digitalperfection.net.

Consoles are easier to use

PC games are cheaper

UX designer video games
UX designer, a profession that makes sense
The UX designer has a strategic role in the design of a game interface. Their objective is to anticipate the expectations of players by meeting their needs. The graphic design expert must be rigorous.
A UX designer places the user experience at the centre of proposals and analyses. Their main mission is to optimise and improve the user experience by carrying out tests and by looking at the player’s journey. User experience design inserts a narrative to create emotion.
Multi-screen UX, a powerful user interface
A multi-screen UX offers three design approaches: continuous, seamless and complementary. These designs enable a holistic experience by providing an innovative interface. A multi-screen UX study allows us to observe new trends. Its success creates a relationship of trust and encourages the user to interact with your products.
Digital developments and trends
How to keep up to date on a daily basis?

Even shorter videos
TikTok allows you to watch and broadcast short videos.

The end of third-party cookies
Set up homemade trackers and a trekking device, more on seo-tips-blog.info.

A hybrid marketing trend
Achieve a hybrid strategy while maintaining a consistent brand image.
Social selling and shoppable content
Social selling has four essential steps: context, contact, content and conversion. In a B2B sales process, this strategy uses social media and inbound marketing techniques to create a conversation and generate leads. It uses social media communication or marketing to prospect, engage, find leads and sell.
The power of social networks
The customer experience
Focus on sales strategy
A sales strategy must be based on several web channels if you want to offer an optimal customer experience. There are different channels: website, marketing automation, social networks, new technology, CRM and inbound.